Bam Margera
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Bam was a member of the Jackass crew, and if you havent been living under a rock for the last couple of years you would know of the dangerous but hillarious stunts he would frequently do.

  bam Bam Margera Bio And Facts!!.
Below is some information on Bam-Bam and what he does when not being filmed as a total Jackass!
Full Name: Brandon C. Margera
Nicknames: Bam, Bam Bam, Sir Bam A Lot
Age: 22
Date of Birth: September 28, 1979
Home Town: West Chester, PA
Parents: Phil and April Margera
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 145 lbs
Right or Left: Right
Favourite Bands: HIM, CKY
Favourite Place: Iceland
Favourite Food: Anything toasted, toasted bagel with mayo, letteuce, and tomato
Favourite Skaters: Penny, Sarri, Hoofbite, and Keri Getz
Favourite Movies: Good Will Hunting, Lost Boys, Robin Hood (Men In Tights)
Sponsors: Element, Adio, Volcom, Diakka, Elestric, Spitfire, Destroyer, Jone's Soda, Cky
Status: Girlfriend (Jenn)
Web Site:
Education: Dropped out in 11th, later got GED

  Occupations: Stuntman for Jackass, Skateboarding, Producer for CKY movies

Drinks: of course

Heroes: Ville Valo (but sometimes I feel the word "hero" doesn't express it enough)

Hates: the airport scenario, Todd Swank

Likes: S4 & A4, Hoof's gear, FDR park

Cars: S4 and A4

  Guess what! Hes even in tony hawk 1,2,3, and 4!!!

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